Reed Making Supplies
University of Florida Oboe Studio - Required *
- *Shaped Oboe Cane - buy at least a dozen, your choice.
- *Chiarugi Razor Knife
- *Hodge 6-inch/metric Ruler
- *Mandrel - Chiarugi 2 (same as Rigotti) OR Lorée Oboe Mandrel, (All are available in French-style with Baroque Wood Handle which is perferred.)
- *Plaque - Pisoni Flat Blued Steel Oboe Plaque - Buy 3
- *Cutting Block - Pisoni (either size)
- *Staples - Rigotti, brass, 47mm or Chiarugi 2 (they are the same) - buy at least 10
- Thread - FF Nylon, your color choice (get some cool colors!)
- Razor Blades - GEM Coated, 100 pack (for clipping reed tips)