
Find your school in the subcategories below and click on the link to select all the products your professor wants you to have.


This category has all participating university's tools and supplies lists for their students. Our goal with this category is to make it possible for your students to find all the supplies you want them to have in one spot. In addition, we want to give back to the heart of music education, invest in the double reed rooms, and put resources directly in the hands of students. To help with that, we are offering Reed Room Account Credits. 7% of every student or professor purchase is donated back to their participating university as credit towards communal reed room materials. Credits can be used on all Hodge Products inventory. Details will be provided once your university page is set up.

If you are a College or University oboe or bassoon professor and would like to participate, please email us the following items:

  • Complete tools and supplies list(s) for each of your classes
  • A one-paragraph message to your students introducing your lists
  • A brief biography and picture (optional) (We can get this from your university bio page)
  • Any additional information you want your students to see
  • Send to Ann Hodge

Please spend some time looking at other college's layouts in the subcategories below to have the best idea of what we're looking for and to get ideas of what you would like. Feel free to offer suggestions or make changes for your own pages. Contact Us



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