RM Reeds of North America

RM Heckelphone Reed

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There are two styles of Heckelphone reeds. The Rieger shape is narrower and preferred by oboists over the Heckel shape which is wider in the throat and blade. Both shapes will perform, but feel different enough to be more comfortable for the performer depending on the reed style that the performer has used in the past. Oboists tend to prefer the Rieger shape. Bassoonists have tried to adapt bassoon reed shapes to use on the Heckelphone, but either shape made for the Heckelphone seems to work better than bassoon shapes.

RM Reeds of North America are not mass produced. Few instruments of the extreme register double reeds can be found in the North American Continent, so when making these reeds no mass production is involved.

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Please note that we do not accept returns on reeds or cane unless damaged on arrival.

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