Reeds 'n Stuff

Reeds 'n Stuff Oboe/English Horn Shaping Machine w/bag

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  • Reeds 'n Stuff Oboe Shaping Machine Transport Bag

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Reeds 'n Stuff Oboe/EH Shaping Machine with Transport Bag

The Reeds 'n Stuff shaping machine can be configured for oboe or English horn by just switching out the shaper form and flipping the blade on the handles.

Two sets of precision bearings ensure that the carriage glides effortlessly. The height adjustment system ensures the longest blade lifespan possible by using the entire length of the blade. Piece after piece, the ergonomic shape of the handle assures the best handling.

The cane is clamped safely in position while being shaped. At the same time, the folding mark is cut into the cane. Finally, the shaping machine offers a huge variety of shaper forms for different individual needs. We carry a few here but you can look on Reeds 'n Stuff's website for any other options you might like us to special order for you.

This Reeds 'n Stuff shaping machine is a newly conceived version from the original! Linear bearings, a c-clamp for fixing the machine on the table, an improved carriage and high carbon steel blades make this machine the first solution for shaping your cane. This shaping machine fits all brands of shaper forms.

Please choose a shaper form from the list. Let us know if you would like to special order something else. Forms that have the same or similar name to a well-known shaper tip are copies that may or may not match your experience with the shaper tip of the same name.

This machine comes in a transport bag making it easy to take on trips or to the reed room.

If you would like a shaper form we do not carry, we can special order it for you. Put which form you would like in the comments section of your order. Wait time would be aproximately 1 month for a special order. 


Oboe and English Horn Shaper Forms

Mack Pfeiffer Form

RDG-1 Form

Joshua2+ Form

RDG-1 English Horn Form

Instrument:  Oboe Instrument:  Oboe Instrument:  Oboe Instrument: English Horn
0 (center of form):  6.64mm 0 (center of form):  7.0mm 0 (center of form):  6.63mm 0 (center of form):  7.54mm
10mm (from center):  6.50mm 10mm (from center):  6.88mm 10mm (from center):  6.49mm 10mm (from center): 7.48mm
25mm (from center):  5.50mm 25mm (from center):  5.30mm 25mm (from center):  5.43mm 25mm (from center): 6.89mm
34mm (from center):  3.66mm 34mm (from center):  4.08mm 34mm (from center):  3.94mm 34mm (from center): 6.00mm
Total Length:  76.00mm Total Length:  76.00mm Total Length:  76.00mm Total Length: 92.00mm
Engraving:  MacP. Engraving:  RD-1 (Alias: H99) Engraving:  JO2+ Engraving: -1EH
Manufacturer:  Reeds 'n Stuff Manufacturer:  Reeds 'n Stuff Manufacturer:  Reeds 'n Stuff Manufacturer: Reeds 'n Stuff

Reviews (1)

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  • 5
    Very fast and consistent cane shaping. Seems like a very robust design. I think it will last a long time.

    Posted by Mark on Jan 14th 2021

    My usual shaper is an RDG -1 so I purchased the Reeds 'n Stuff shaper with that form. As I was warned, the result isn't exactly the same but works fine for me. It's nice not to need to deal with the ears.