Reed Machines

Reed Machines Bassoon Profiling Machine

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  • Reed Machines Bassoon Profiling Machine Barrel
  • Reed Machines Bassoon Profiling Machine Template
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profiler with collar cutting function (CCF) for bassoon reeds

  • the profiler is easy to use and produces accurate and high quality profiles
  • the profiler has 2 marking sets, one for the folding line of the reed and one for the collar of the profile
  • the profiler has adjustments for the length, overall thickness and difference in thickness from the begin to the end, of the profile
  • the profiler has the unique collar cutting function (CCF), with this function you can cut the collar easily and efficiently on the profiler, see movie
  • for the CCF you can adjust the position and the thickness of the collar cutting process
  • the profiler can hold a variation of cylinder sets which result in their own difference in thickness from the middle to the sides of the profile
  • the profiler can be used with multiple template sets which all can have their own adjustment
  • manuals will be available soon, in the meantime please look to our movies on YouTube and the profiler for bassoon adjustment document
  • the profiler dimensions are: length 264mm, width 114mm and heigth 131mm, the profiler weigth is about 3,4kg

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