Reeds 'n Stuff

Reeds 'n Stuff Oboe Shaper Forms

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Reeds 'n Stuff Oboe Shaper Forms

In order to guarantee absolute symmetry, Reeds 'n Stuff manufactures their shaping forms using the latest CNC technology. Through complex hardening processes in a vacuum, the contour remains unchanged cut by cut. Tool steel of the highest quality guarantees this for many years.

These shapes are rough copies of the original shaper tips by the same (or similar) name.  They may or may not match your experience with the shaper tip of the same name. The forms have a 30-day trial period in which you can send it back for a full refund.


Mack Pfeiffer Form

RDG-1 Form

Joshua2+ Form


Instrument:  Oboe Instrument:  Oboe Instrument:  Oboe Instrument:  Oboe
0 (center of form):  6.64mm 0 (center of form):  7.0mm 0 (center of form):  6.63mm 0 (center of form): 6.64mm
10mm (from center):  6.50mm 10mm (from center):  6.88mm 10mm (from center):  6.49mm 10mm (from center): 6.5mm
25mm (from center):  5.50mm 25mm (from center):  5.30mm 25mm (from center):  5.43mm 25mm (from center): 5.50mm
34mm (from center):  3.66mm 34mm (from center):  4.08mm 34mm (from center):  3.94mm 34mm (from center): 3.66
Total Length:  76.00mm Total Length:  76.00mm Total Length:  76.00mm Total Length: 76.00mm
Engraving:  MacP. Engraving:  RD-1 (Alias: H99) Engraving:  JO2+ Engraving: HOOP
Manufacturer:  Reeds 'n Stuff Manufacturer:  Reeds 'n Stuff Manufacturer:  Reeds 'n Stuff Manufacturer:  Reeds 'n Stuff




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