Reeds 'n Stuff

Reeds 'n Stuff Blade Adjustment Indicator for Profiling Machines

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Reeds 'n Stuff Blade Adjustment Indicator

Use this measuring tool with the Reeds 'n Stuff oboe profiling machine and the bassoon tip profiling machine when you replace the blade. Although the blade can be replaced without this tool, it is much easier to get it lined up right with it. There is a separate blade adjustment indicator for the bassoon cane profiling machine.

How to Use the Blade Adjustment Indicator


52. Clock Face
54. Screw


24. Blade Set Screw
25. Blade Adjustment Screw


Before you begin, take off the machine's wooden handle and take out the blade. Then fit the dial indicator over the carriage as pictured above.


Tighten the large screw on the dial indicator to secure it.


Turn the clock face as needed to set the dial indicator to zero.


Place the blade in the carriage as pictured above. As you slide the blade into place, the slot in its side should fit with the corresponding ledge on Screw #25. It is important to confirm that, at this point, the blade does not protrude beyond the black blade holder.


Tighten Screw #24 all the way, so that the blade is held completely in place. Then, gently loosen it less than a quarter of a turn until the blade can be moved very slightly.


Turn Screw #25 until the dial indicator reads precisely 2.5. At this point, the blade will be protruding to the correct degree.


Tighten screw all the way. The machine is now ready to use. Before you start using the machine, make sure the blade does not touch the tongue.


As you remove the dial indicator from the carriage, be sure to pull up on the axle of the dial indicator as shown above to avoid any damaging contact with the blade.

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