Reeds 'n Stuff Analog Cane Sorting Gauge
This Reeds 'n Stuff gauge can be used for measuring the diameter of your oboe cane, both tube and pregouged. It is fast and easy to read. No more guessing which slot the cane seems to fit in as in other types of gauges. It isn't the best for sorting gouged cane because gouged cane is too flexible and will be affected be this kind of gauge. For gouged cane, check out any of the following items: Musecho Oboe Family Gauge Ruler, Reed Machines Oboe Diameter Gauge, or the Reeds 'n Stuff Caliper with Radius Gauge.
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Reeds 'n Stuff
Reeds 'n Stuff Analog Oboe Cane Sorting Gauge
Reeds 'n Stuff Analog Cane Sorting Gauge
This an excellent tool for measuring tube cane. This tool takes out the guess work in getting an accurate measurement without the use of the usual cane gauges. I think that this was money well spent.