This spiral bound book is intended to provide the bassoonist with enough detailed information to make his own reeds and to repair and maintain his instrument. This book has been the "Bible" of bassoon reed making for decades. It is referred to as "The Bible of Bassoon Reed Making" for good reason. It includes detailed instructions, voluminous references, highly instructive photos and a historical perspective of the elusive art of bassoon reed making by two revered master bassoon teachers.
Contains 160 pages, with easy-open ring binding.
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Charles Double Reeds
"Bassoon Reed Making" by Popkin and Glickman, 4th Edition
No substitute for a good teacher
The writing style is dry, academic, and terse. The book can tell you the approximate dimensions, for example, but can't tell you what is most appropriate for your individual circumstances. The book can't tell you how to adjust your unique problems. There should be a website explaining a technique and then illustrating it with the resulting sound. There is no substitute for an experienced teacher.